There are many people today that are in great need of having their credit repaired. There can be many reasons why people need there credit repaired. Some people have bad credit due to medical bills. Some people just made poor spending decisions. Some people were victims of credit fraud. Some people just had no idea there was even a problem with their credit until they tried to apply for something. Whatever the reasons may be, they need help repairing their credit. This is why they need the help of credit repair services. If you are not sure what credit repair services are, then let this be your guide to credit repair services.
Credit repair services are not free. This is because many things are involved in repairing your credit. This includes monitoring of your credit reports, changing inaccuracies, removing bills that have been paid that show up on your credit, etc. It also involves being in constant contact with the credit reporting agencies: Experian, Trans Union, and Exquifax.
Credit repair is very time consuming, this is why also why credit repair services must charge a fee. The fee will vary depending on where you go for you credit repair services. Some credit repair services offer a free 30 day trial. Some offer guarantees of free credit repair or your money back. All and all, you should estimate paying a fee of $399.99 for credit repair services. This is the average fee that most charge. Some cost quite a bit more.
Another thing that credit repair services often offer is a way to help you consolidate you debt so that you can more easily repair your credit. Most people that are in need of credit repair services have a lot of debt and bills on their credit report. Debt consolidation combines all of your bills together and you make one payment to one lender instead of several payments to several lenders. This saves you money on interest rates and helps so that your debt doesn't get higher. With debt consolidation, these bills are more easily paid and thus you can repair your credit.
You can find credit repair services in many ways. You can find many online or you can check your local yellow pages. Be sure to do your research before selecting a credit repair service as some charge more than others. There are also non profit credit repair services that are available to help those of you with little or no income.
The above was all of the information you need to get you started in finding a credit repair service. Repairing your credit can be a difficult and scary ordeal. But with the help of credit repair services, the task can be much more easily obtained. This will save you from much stress and ease the difficulties you may be suffering.
Morgan Hamilton offers expert advice and great tips regarding all aspects concerning Credit Repair. Get the information you are seeking now by visiting
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Morgan Hamilton offers expert advice and great tips regarding all aspects concerning Credit Repair. Get the information you are seeking now by visiting
Saturday, October 20, 2007
Your Junk Is Someone Else's Treasure!
Saving money can be quite hard to do if you are on a tight budget, but all of us can do it very simply by selling the things that are cluttering up our homes and which we no longer need. I am fairly sure that most of us, if asked, would like some extra cash to help pay off a loan or other debt, or to put towards something nice like a holiday or something else that you would like to save up for.
What Can I Sell to Save?
The answer to this question is almost anything. You would be surprised what people are willing to buy if they like one particular thing you own or if they are interested in collecting certain things. Below is a list of things that you might find in your home and could sell, but this is by no means a complete list. Use your imagination and have a good look around the cupboard under the stairs and the garage! You can also have a look on the Internet at sites specialising in collectables and memorabilia – these will give you an idea of what people are interested in buying and most importantly for you, how much you can charge.
Advertising and packaging – This can be much sought after by collectors if they are in good condition. Certain types are more popular than other for example cigarettes, food and cosmetics products. They do not always necessarily have to be old – I recently sold a tin that contained candies, which I bought about a month ago. I sold it to a woman who paid 10 dollars for it because she was collecting tins from this particular brand of candy and my one had a famous cartoon character on the side of it.
Autographs – Do have an old autograph hanging around from someone you admired when you were a child? These could bring in anything from around 10 dollars to 7000 dollars if it is from someone really famous and there are few others around.
Baby care accessories – these can be incredibly expensive to buy new these days and many first-time parents look for second-hand items that they can pick up at a reduced price.
Books – Rare books and first editions can bring in significant sums of money. We've all checked our kid's Harry Potter books to see if they are a first edition haven't we!
Bottles – Yes I did say bottles! Old and rare bottles are extremely collectable and can earn you anything from 5 dollars to 5000 dollars. These could include stoneware beer bottles or 19th Century poison bottles.
Records – Old and rare records in good condition can earn you a few dollars, if you are old enough to remember what records are!
Toys and games – Old and rare toys and games are a particular collector's favorite, as are newer ones that are connected with popular films and TV series. The latter need to be in really good condition. 20 years ago, as a kid in his mid-teens, my cousin was buying Star Wars figures and keeping them sealed in their packets. They are now worth up to 250 dollars each! You can still get around 20 dollars for figures that are no longer boxed but are in good condition.
As you can see, the phrase �in good condition� keeps coming up and this is the key to making money from your unwanted belongings. A damaged item will sell for far less than one that is in good condition and may not even make you any money at all.
How and where can I sell?
Once you have something that you want to sell, there are many ways of doing it. The following are just a few ideas. To start with you could ask your friends, neighbours and work colleagues if they are interested in what you have. Many companies have an internal newsletter or Intranet where "items for sale" can be advertised for free. You could use classified ads in local newspapers and on the Internet – many of these are also free. Garage sales and car boot sales are other options if you have quite a few things to sell. You may also wish to consider using Internet auction web sites such as Ebay. These are now hugely popular with millions of items being bought and sold at any one time, all over the world. You are certain to find that items similar to that which you intend to sell are already being sold by someone else on the Internet, so you can see what sort of purchase values they attract. This will help you decide on a suitable starting price for your own items. Sites like Ebay make their money by charging you a small listing fee and by taking a small percentage of the final selling price.
About the Author: Emmanuel Mendonca is the webmaster and publisher of Debt Genius at - a free source of information and advice on debt consolidation, getting out of debt and saving money.
What Can I Sell to Save?
The answer to this question is almost anything. You would be surprised what people are willing to buy if they like one particular thing you own or if they are interested in collecting certain things. Below is a list of things that you might find in your home and could sell, but this is by no means a complete list. Use your imagination and have a good look around the cupboard under the stairs and the garage! You can also have a look on the Internet at sites specialising in collectables and memorabilia – these will give you an idea of what people are interested in buying and most importantly for you, how much you can charge.
Advertising and packaging – This can be much sought after by collectors if they are in good condition. Certain types are more popular than other for example cigarettes, food and cosmetics products. They do not always necessarily have to be old – I recently sold a tin that contained candies, which I bought about a month ago. I sold it to a woman who paid 10 dollars for it because she was collecting tins from this particular brand of candy and my one had a famous cartoon character on the side of it.
Autographs – Do have an old autograph hanging around from someone you admired when you were a child? These could bring in anything from around 10 dollars to 7000 dollars if it is from someone really famous and there are few others around.
Baby care accessories – these can be incredibly expensive to buy new these days and many first-time parents look for second-hand items that they can pick up at a reduced price.
Books – Rare books and first editions can bring in significant sums of money. We've all checked our kid's Harry Potter books to see if they are a first edition haven't we!
Bottles – Yes I did say bottles! Old and rare bottles are extremely collectable and can earn you anything from 5 dollars to 5000 dollars. These could include stoneware beer bottles or 19th Century poison bottles.
Records – Old and rare records in good condition can earn you a few dollars, if you are old enough to remember what records are!
Toys and games – Old and rare toys and games are a particular collector's favorite, as are newer ones that are connected with popular films and TV series. The latter need to be in really good condition. 20 years ago, as a kid in his mid-teens, my cousin was buying Star Wars figures and keeping them sealed in their packets. They are now worth up to 250 dollars each! You can still get around 20 dollars for figures that are no longer boxed but are in good condition.
As you can see, the phrase �in good condition� keeps coming up and this is the key to making money from your unwanted belongings. A damaged item will sell for far less than one that is in good condition and may not even make you any money at all.
How and where can I sell?
Once you have something that you want to sell, there are many ways of doing it. The following are just a few ideas. To start with you could ask your friends, neighbours and work colleagues if they are interested in what you have. Many companies have an internal newsletter or Intranet where "items for sale" can be advertised for free. You could use classified ads in local newspapers and on the Internet – many of these are also free. Garage sales and car boot sales are other options if you have quite a few things to sell. You may also wish to consider using Internet auction web sites such as Ebay. These are now hugely popular with millions of items being bought and sold at any one time, all over the world. You are certain to find that items similar to that which you intend to sell are already being sold by someone else on the Internet, so you can see what sort of purchase values they attract. This will help you decide on a suitable starting price for your own items. Sites like Ebay make their money by charging you a small listing fee and by taking a small percentage of the final selling price.
About the Author: Emmanuel Mendonca is the webmaster and publisher of Debt Genius at - a free source of information and advice on debt consolidation, getting out of debt and saving money.
Your Online Loan Guide?
While planning to take a loan one needs to keep these points in mind. Do a lot of research and contact several lenders including banks, savings and loans, credit unions, and mortgage companies, etc before selecting a particular lender. Ask each lender about the type of loan that would best suit your needs e.g personal loan or a debt consolidation loan ( While making a decision, compare:
* The annual percentage rate (APR): An APR is the most important thing to compare different loans. It is determined on the factors like interest rate, points, fees, and other credit charges that the borrower is required to pay. The cost of the loan depends on the APR i.e. the lower the APR, the lower the cost of loan. Ask if the APR is fixed or adjustable -- that is, will it change? If so, how often and how much will it change ?
* Points and fees: These charges are not refundable if pay off the loan early. Points are generally are paid in cash at closing, but may be financed. If you finance the points, you'll have to pay additional interest, increasing the total cost of your loan.
* The term of the loan: The duration for which you will make the payments.
* The monthly payment: It is the amount that you will be paying every month. Ask whether it will remain same or will change with time.
* Balloon payments: This is a large payment generally made at the end of the loan term and if you can't make the payment, you may need another loan.
* Prepayment penalties: It is the extra fees that you may need to pay in case you pay off the loan early by refinancing or selling your home. These fees may force you to keep a high-rate loan by making it too expensive to get out of the loan. If your loan includes a prepayment penalty, understand the penalty you would have to pay. Ask the lender if you can get a loan without a prepayment penalty, and what that loan would cost. Then decide what's right for you.
* Whether the interest rate for the loan will increase if you default: An increased interest rate provision says that if you miss a payment or pay late, you may have to pay a higher interest rate for the rest of the loan term. <
About the author:
* The annual percentage rate (APR): An APR is the most important thing to compare different loans. It is determined on the factors like interest rate, points, fees, and other credit charges that the borrower is required to pay. The cost of the loan depends on the APR i.e. the lower the APR, the lower the cost of loan. Ask if the APR is fixed or adjustable -- that is, will it change? If so, how often and how much will it change ?
* Points and fees: These charges are not refundable if pay off the loan early. Points are generally are paid in cash at closing, but may be financed. If you finance the points, you'll have to pay additional interest, increasing the total cost of your loan.
* The term of the loan: The duration for which you will make the payments.
* The monthly payment: It is the amount that you will be paying every month. Ask whether it will remain same or will change with time.
* Balloon payments: This is a large payment generally made at the end of the loan term and if you can't make the payment, you may need another loan.
* Prepayment penalties: It is the extra fees that you may need to pay in case you pay off the loan early by refinancing or selling your home. These fees may force you to keep a high-rate loan by making it too expensive to get out of the loan. If your loan includes a prepayment penalty, understand the penalty you would have to pay. Ask the lender if you can get a loan without a prepayment penalty, and what that loan would cost. Then decide what's right for you.
* Whether the interest rate for the loan will increase if you default: An increased interest rate provision says that if you miss a payment or pay late, you may have to pay a higher interest rate for the rest of the loan term. <
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